Thursday, March 12, 2009


This week I finished my second quarter! WOW school is going by so fast.... way too fast. Finals were this past week... and I'm here to give the report. Monday came with Cranial Sacral Therapy and Hydrotherapy, Tuesday I had Structural body work and Shiatsu, Finally, Wednesday I had Anatomy and Professional Development.

So this is how my finals work. The first hour I take a written final on the class then for the next two hours we do "hands on" work. Our session are 50 minutes one partner does a session then we clean up and the other and the other partner does a session.

Our sessions include things such as: for Hydrotherapy we did a full body salt scrub, or we do a full body Shiatsu session, or a full body structural session (DEEP tissue) Its so fun. Nerve racking of course but its amazing to learn So many different modalities.

Overall, I did very well. I got A's on everything except Anatomy.... but no worries. This coming Quarter I'm going to Kick my anatomy 3 final in the butt and get an A.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Elders Robert D. Hales

I wanted to share my thoughts and feelings about the wonderful CES fireside I was able to attend at the Marriott Center on BYU campus. Elder Hales was the speaker and it was so wonderful. He spoke of placing ourselves on higher ground through strong eternal marriage, provident living and gaining an education. he gave a few helpful tips to fortify our relationship with our Savior Heavenly Father and those we are dating or married to:

1. Know Who You Are!- realize and understand you are and son or daughter of our Heavenly Father.

2. Know The Doctrines of the Gospel

3. Choose To Obtain Eternal Blessings From our Heavenly Father

4. When You Are Married Know That Courting Is Now Over

5. Be Selfless- serve one another, COMMUNICATE with each other

The fireside was so wonderful. Living here in Utah I have tried to take advantage of having the opportunity to go and listen to apostles. I'm also, VERY grateful to have so many temples so close. I love it